Monday, April 5, 2010

Meet my friends Court and Griff

      Let me introduce you to a few of my best friends. The one and only Courtney Thomas ( aka Courtney freakin Thomas, C to the T, and Courtzilla), and the handsome Griffen Merrill (aka G-Unit and Griffers).  Courtney and i have been best friends for the past 5 or 6 years and do almost everything together, that is when i'm in town:) Griffen is one of the radest guys you'll meet, and always knows how to make people laugh:) I love these two both individually, but when you put them together it gets pretty crazy haha! I needed to do a shoot that could help me get some neat photos in my portfolio this past weekend, so i asked these two for their help and they were nice enough to put up with the cold weather, wind, outfits, and each other:) Ha ha so these two aren't a couple...but they do look pretty great together right???:) Well thanks Court and Griff for helpin me out this weekend!  You guys are so great and look fabulous! Hope you enjoy them!


Julie said...

Way cute and funny!

The Hatches said...

Ahhhhh!!! I LOVE THIS!! Jacki I'm glad I found your blog, your photography rocks! How are you by the way!?

Jace and Dusti said...

You've always been so freakin creative! You're awesome girl! Hope all is well!