Thursday, April 29, 2010

The big project is finally done!


Ahhhhh so i am finally finished with the semester!!!! I can't believe how fast this year went! So in one of my previous posts i intoduced one of my final products for my photography class and it involved people blending in to the enviroment.  I worked my little booty off on this project but ended up likeing it quite a bit! I was happy with the finished product but one of my favorite things during this project was working with awesome people.  I can't believe all the things my roommates and friends let me do to them so that i could get just ten final images ha ha.  Painting bodies and faces, covering faces with honey and sand, and having them hike two hours to get in ice cold water for just a few pics!  ahhhh you guys really are the best:) thanks so much for all your help! Here is a little recap of what my models and i had to do for this final project...
1. My beautiful and amazing neice Jaxynn Joe. 
 This girl let me put honey and flowers all over
 her face and hair and did so with all the patience in the world lol.  Afterwards however she told me " I never want to do anything like that ever again..."  but hey i don't blame her one little bit.  you look beautiful Jax! Thanks!
2. Kaeley Fawcett.  Oh man this girl helped me out soooooo flippin much with this project and did so with a smile:) She not only let me paint her legs brown, but she went outside in the freezing weather barefoot and stood in pokey pine needles for this shot.  Man i owe you big time! (More of Kaeley farther down)

3. Ashley Brandt. This is my roommate and past track buddy Ashley Brandt! I love using Ashley as a model because she has such a classic look to her. She let me smear honey all over her face and stick these pretty white petals all over her face.  Afterwords her hair and skin took quite a while to get all cleaned up but i think the finished product made it all worth it right Ash???

4. Jonny Oliver.  This is one of the coolest guys i know! Ha whenever i hangout with him i am always laughin my head off.  I thought Jonny would be perfect for this shoot because he is so freakin tan, and i knew he would probably be the only person in Cedar city that would let me do this ha ha.  When we got to the big mud hole i looked at him and said "alright take off your shirt!" He looked at me like i was some kind of crazy woman haha.  I don't think he knew what he was getting himself into lol.  But he layed down in the nasty mud and let my smear the dirty chunky stuff all over his much fun:) he did so with a bright smile, and also with the knowledge that i would be buying him dinner for his troubles:)

5. Ms. Liz Carter. This awesome chick is my roommate this year and we have had quite a party at our place for the past nine or so months.  Liz is hilarious and is always down for having fun no matter what we end up doin.  I wanted to have someone blend into trees somehow, and Liz was happy to participate.  I painted her entire upper body and her parade around the campus outside of the centrum in her sports bra and shorty short...what a team player haha! I absolutely loved how these turned out and thanks Liz for being such a fabulous model:)
6.Kalisi Uluave.  This is my next door neighbor and great friend Kalisi! Kalisi helped me out with two shoots and both turned out to be very successful:)  Kalisi is a wicked good guitar player and one of my favorite things to do in Cedar is jam out with this guy.  He has so much freakin talent! Right now he is part of a killer band called Evalution.  He let me put honey all over his arms and hands as well as feathers and rocks.  I love hangin out with this guy and his roomies cause they are some of the most chill people i know.  They are very welcoming and always love jokin around:)

7. Jasmine Paicely. Jasmine is on SUU track team with me and is an outstanding hurdler and sprinter.  I thought Jaz would be perfect for this shot because she has such pretty tan skin that would go great with the color of sand around her.  The shot turned out great but her eyes unfortunately got sand in well as her hair, ears, nose, and mouth...sorry!  But hey you rocked these photos and i still owe ya big for helpin me out!

8. Kenna Money.  This by far was the most time consuming and intense shoot.  I still can't believe this girl did all this for me for this project.  Kenna is another one of my awesome roommates and i love hangin out with her! So for this shoot i wanted to use water and i thought a waterfall would be neat.  So we went to the closest one we knew of called Kannarraville Falls.  I had never been there before so it was quite and adventure.  Liz, Kenna and I ended up hiking up a trail for an hour where we found this awesome water fall!  The only downfall was...It was soooooooo flippin cold!!!! I would have never done what the marvelous Kenna Money did that day.  Holy smokes i really am so grateful and blown away that she agreed to doing this! She hoped in under the waterfall for about ten min, and then i had her lay in the stream right underneath it. I thought she was going to pass out because it was so cold.  The pics turned out pretty sweet but the horrible part was my professor wasn't the biggest fan...ha man Kenna i am so stinkin sorry:( but hey i am still keepin the pics and showin them off anyway. You are seriously the best ever!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!

9. Kaeley Fawcett...Once again:) One word for this shoot...HILARIOUS!!!! Oh my goodness Kaeley is such a funny girl and this photo shoot had me in tears because i was laughing so much.  Kaeley let me paint her whole upperbody green and then dared to go outside in our yard to take these. I have to say that these photos had to be my favorite in this series.

Well this was it!!! I had such a blast taking these photo's and working with all the people in them:) I hope you all enjoy them and let me know what you think! Thanks!!!


The Hatches said...

I LOVE these, you're seriously so talented!! I'd love to see you during the break, let me know when you're home!

Kaeley said...

OHHHH my Jacki jacki jack... you are so talented! I had fun tagging along and giving my maybe not needed opinion! love ya soooo much call me when you come up!!!

Julie said...

Wow!!! I am in Ahhh! You are so so so Awesomely Talented! I wrote that you took one of your models out to lunch...I am thinking I deserve some lunch cuz I had to clean up all the honey and blossoms in my kitchen. What Ya Think?...Hey you wanna play softball this summer?