So this is Miss Maya Thayne. She is the one of the most outgoing, friendly, sassy, and hilarious eleven year old's i knows. I thought this shoot would be a fun and entertaining one, so i was very excited to do it! Maya is one of those girls that just doesn't care what anyone thinks. When i think back about when i was this old i remember not really caring what everyone else thought, but there were definitely times that i did and i it would hold me back from doing certain things. This chick really makes me want to just step out of my comfort zone and just go for it when i am around her. She isn't afraid to wear crazy outfits to school, she is falling or tripping all over the place ALL the time, and she hasn't quite got the whole coordination thing down quite yet, but she DOESN'T CARE! I absolutely admire her for that. There have been many times in track, school, and with my business that i have been too nervous or embarrassed to do certain things. And the worst part is those "certain things" could have really helped my business, and schooling out. I was just too nervous that i might get talked bad about behind my back, or have my ideas laughed at. I feel so stupid about letting those fears get in the way of my future success. I think a lot of people feel the same way about this at times. Athletes, artists, musicians, and anyone else with new ideas all come to a point where they have to step outside their comfort zones in order to better themselves and their talents.
Since i have moved back from school it's been a big slap in the face to how hard it can be for an artist, or anyone in that matter to find a great job in the field that they have worked years to educate themselves in. I for one finished school thinking that i would have plenty of photo shoots lined up, and would be able to find some sort of job that dealt with my major or minor right of the bat....HAAAA!!! jokes on me people! It has seriously been one of the biggest emotional roller-coasters ever!!!! But luckily things are getting better and i am learning how to be a better business woman ha! Yes slowly, but surely:) I have learned that you can't expect everyone to come to you at first. You have to make the effort to go out and get people interested in your work. I was TERRIFIED at first to do this! But people kept telling me that's what you have to do in order to get things going. This has helped me soooo much with my business. It's kinda funny how such a young person can make such a huge impression on you huh? Thanks Maya for the great example and some fun pics. Hope you all enjoy.

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Wow, what a BEAUTIFUL girl!!! Love her big brown eyes. And I admire her just through your description of her! What a good example to be brave and just go for things. It's a good reminder :) As always, I'm so impressed with your work, Jacki!
She is adorable! I think that is so awesome she is like that! We all need to be like that! :) You're awesome Jack, and like Kel I'm always impressed with your work! Its beautiful!
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