Sunday, November 29, 2009


Jonny and Robyn said...

I love the blog Jack. Your pictures look amazing! So cute!

Kaeley said...

LOVE IT Jack!!! :)

Josh Cameron said...

I think this is just great.

Holly said...

Dear Jacki,

Please take some pictures of me and Forrest. We really want family pictures since we haven't had any since our wedding.

Becca said...

l-o-v-e it.

Elise said...

Jacki! I love it! Your awesome, and i hope you'll do some for us sometime,...we need some of the little guy, and of all of us. But give us a few look, uh, cuter. Love you!

BonnieKaye said...

Love your blog. Good luck with your new business. You're off to a good start.

Austin and Ashli Jones said...

Jacki, I love your blog. I love the name it fits you. I can't wait to get pictures from you. =) Good Luck, you will do great.

Rhino Relations said...

In case you're wondering this is your brother. I love what you have put together.

Knight Family said...

Very nice work... I do have "how did you do that" questions?

The Dalton Family said...

Love love... Way to go you little talented thang!!!!! Love the blog. Wanna have you take some pics like everyone else in the world. Have fun in Mexico!