So this summer i decided to take on a paper route! Ha ha i figured it was an easy way to make some money and i only had to do it once a month!!!! Little did i know, it was gonna be easier than ever because my nieces and nephews begged to get in on all the action:) Ha the job was gonna be a breeze and i had little kiddos most the work for me! SCORE! So this is what the job consisted of...Go pick up the papers once a month, bag all 543 of them, and then go pass them out to my assigned zone. So the bagging took awhile but i got it down to an art after the first 20! The first time i had to pass them out i came home, walked into my room, and found all the kids jumping around in the bagged papers! Ha they had done them all for me. What freakin awesome kids!!!! So once they were all bagged we put them in the car and started on our way. I let the kids sit in the back with the back door open...i guess you could call me irresponsible here, but hey they loved it! And they loved me for letting them do it:) How could i resist. We all split up into groups of two and set out on our ways. We were able to pass out all the papers in about 2 hours! We only got to do this task about 3 times this summer, but it was a fun way to hang out with all the kiddos and make a little cash on the side. For their reward i told them i would get them a treat......and a whole whoppin dollar!!! haha they were super excited about this, and hey so was i:)

Maya trying to get meg in...

This worked a little better even though it took a lot more effort haha.

Miss Kate workin her little booty off

Sometimes this job can get really rough on the young ones...


Maya...doing Maya things:)

The price i had to pay for such amazing employees. Seriously who wouldn't want this kind of pay??!!
The amazing crew that i loved working with this summer:) You guys rock! Thanks for all your help and fun memories from this.

Hahaha I love it! They ARE good helpers, would they be interested in cleaning my house for a dollar? lol
i am sure they would be haha!
Hahah, that's awesome. What sweet kids!
My family had a paper route for 10 years!!! So I totally get the bagging & driving/running it all around funness ;) Once a month would've been sweet (as opposed to once - sometimes twice - a day). It's good money for the short hours though! Or at least it was back in the day ;)
so great!
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