So the baby bro is outta here!!!! And i am not saying that in a "finally the little rugrat is gone and now i get all the attention!" or a " yes! i finally get to use Dj's guitars and wear his sweet hats/clothes!" way, but more in a i am sooo dang proud of my bro and i am so happy that he wanted to go out and do this. Dj and i used to fight more than any other siblings i know. My parents would get so flippin mad at us and wondered if we would ever get along haha. Well after some lame things happened my bro and i instantly became closer and realized that we kinda enjoyed each others company, well i at least enjoyed his lol. Dj is one of a kind. Ever since i left to college i realized how much i have missed in his life. His football games, dances, wrestling matches, talks in church, etc... and it's one thing that i wished i could have changed. I wish so badly that i could have been there for more of these things. This past year has been a neat one for me because he has actually asked me for a lot of advice and help with things. I was shocked one night when he called me at 1 in the morning telling me about his girl problems, ahhhh stupid stupid girls. I hate seeing my brother hurt or upset in any way. But i love the fact that he came to me to see what my thoughts and opinions were on the matter. Dj has always been an amazing example to everyone he meets. He has always known what is right, and has always stuck with it. He hasn't always hung out with the best crowd, but he has always been welcoming to any and everyone he meets. I have never seen anyone so stoked to got on their mission either!!!! And when he said he was going to Australia i knew instantly that it was the perfect place for him. This kid was going crazy having to wait such a long time before he could take off. In fact when we dropped him off at the MTC he hurried and hugged us and quickly walked off, not a single freakin tear came from his tiny little eye!!!! ha ha but i am sure glad that he was happy to get there. We got our first email from him tuesday saying how much he loved it there and how he had never felt so happy. I instantly became so relieved and thrilled about it. I have heard horror stories about the MTC and just didn't know how it would be for him, but it looks like it won't be a problem at all:) Ahhhh i am so excited for ya DJ!!!! And i am so happy that we got to spend some time talkin and hangin out the past little while. You taught me a lot and have always been the little brother that has stepped up to be my big example. Thanks for everything. Australia is in for a big surprise. Good luck out there Bro! Love ya.
Girls will walk 500 miles to stand near this boy. To bad he doesn't know how to handle them haha
Jamaica! We be jammin.
One of our favorite games. Shake your face as fast as you can while someone takes a quick pic. We look sooo hot.
Colors Festival! We couldn't breathe for a week after.
What he wears to bed at night.

Dj insisted on making me take these pictures...
One of my favorites.
Holla! The Stoddards.
Have fun out there and do your thing!
You have the coolest little bro ever. I am so excited for him. and Jack as I always say...I love you. You are great.
GO DJ!!! YOu two are the best! When I read his letter, I cried AND I was so stinkin excited and proud of him. What an amazing kid/man!!
aw, I remember when you were on the phone with your fam opening his mission call, I almost started crying and I don't even know the kid! I've never seen someone so excited for their sibling :) He'll be a great missionary.. oh, and nice pics ;)
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